Lately but at last, I thought of penning down my thoughts regarding the most Crucial and Sensible Discussion of this era after Corona, i.e. “Anti-China Protests.” We all have come across a lot of arguments, statements, Discussions, and many more throughout half of the lockdown period. And In the weeks following, the border clashes and The death report of 20 Indian soldiers fueled up the Protest to its extreme level. India's Government banned Various popular Chinese apps Including TikTok and others, Imposing “Security Issues” upon them. The government of India also brought up the argument of protecting India’s national sovereignty and integrity. It is a rare move for democratic countries to use the term “cyberspace sovereignty.” In recent weeks, Indian’s Government procurement website banned the selling of Chinese-manufactured goods asking global e-commerce giants Amazon and Walmart to show “Country of Origin” tags on goods sold. The #AntiChina Sentiments rapidly spread natio...
Kick start yourself and your day with the thought of the day.These are the positive thoughts that encourages and provide inspirations to you. Grab the ideas , wisdom, advises, and strength from the posts and live a life peacefully.