Lately but at last, I thought of penning down my thoughts regarding the most Crucial and Sensible Discussion of this era after Corona, i.e. “Anti-China Protests.” We all have come across a lot of arguments, statements, Discussions, and many more throughout half of the lockdown period. And In the weeks following, the border clashes and The death report of 20 Indian soldiers fueled up the Protest to its extreme level. India's Government banned Various popular Chinese apps Including TikTok and others, Imposing “Security Issues” upon them. The government of India also brought up the argument of protecting India’s national sovereignty and integrity. It is a rare move for democratic countries to use the term “cyberspace sovereignty.”
In recent weeks, Indian’s Government procurement website banned the selling of Chinese-manufactured goods asking global e-commerce giants Amazon and Walmart to show “Country of Origin” tags on goods sold. The #AntiChina Sentiments rapidly spread nationwide like a wild forest fire. Indian Minister of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises, said the country would not allow Chinese companies to take part in highway projects through any joint partnerships. He further said we would not allow Chinese investors in various sectors. The Indian telecom ministry has also asked telecom providers and other private companies to boycott all future deals and equipment upgrades involving China. But Going Through Certain Things, I even observed the other side of the lawn.
Yes, it’s true that banning the Chinese apps and goods will affect the country’s economy stake but just like a scratch manner. India-China trade relationship is estimated at over $90 billion, with around $50 billion in the latter’s favor. India highly depends on chemical APIs (active pharmaceutical ingredients) needed for manufacturing medicines and vaccinations and electronic components powering India’s large manufacturing industry, imported from China. These are the crucial components for which India doesn’t have the capabilities to manufacture, probably because of the scale we have gone for sourcing from China. Maybe this Trade relationship will turn around its path In the future.
Analyzing the facts, It seems Like If These sentiments continue, It would have a measure of low or no harm to the economic Stability of China But has plenty of ability to harm the Nations's Economy Easily.
But people are keen to buy MI cell phones even after India china stand off. A newly launched mi phone in Flipkart was out of stock within 10mins.