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What kind of hunch you get when you put an eye on this..?? 
A year so gut- wrenching, so scary, so heart rending ,  agonizing , warts and all. This must be   everyone's ween about this 2020 here and now. Because this is what we have not expected when the new decade was crepting upon us. 
The world has been through a great stumbling block. Past years were bad but none had all of that what we have now: a non-curable virus, an economic meltdown , soaring unemployment , political turmoil, natural calamities and racial violence. 
Every man jack at present  hankering for the  erasure of this point in time.

But is this year really a torment ???

Isn't this period of time finally awaken us??
This time lane has taught us pre-eminence of a lot of things. It has shown us the re-creation of the world that was being deprived by us. It lead our path towards "change". A change in our needs and want. A change in our thoughts and deeds.  This year has put the world together, strengthen us to grapple together  against the odds irrespective of the gulfs before.   
Even if the we and  the world are exigence towards slipperiness , Let not walk over the 2020.

The half of the decade is yet to come , why not make it a stroke of luck instead of a torment?????
May be The world is getting one.!!!


  1. Superb writer you are...!!!❣️

  2. You just Mentioned the present Scenario. :) Xcellent writing . keep Going

  3. Thankyou!!. Keep Reading 😊

  4. Just wrote pain and pleasure at the same time with your feelings. Mesmerizing ❤️

  5. Soulful writing skills you have...long way to go my dear!!😊

  6. Nicely explained the present situation which we all are facing bdw good one ... Keep writing

  7. A worth reading
    Nice anu,keep going.


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