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Have you find a place to lay your burdens down ??


Hello Folks, a warm welcome to all of you again to this blog. As you all know, I have been started this page a few days back. Today I thought I would share one of  my reason to put forward this. 
Yes , one of the germane to put up.

Covid-19 is not only the pandemic of virus but also has brought the pandemic of anxiety and depression along.
Till date Corona virus pandemic has gave us so many deaths, economy fall, unemployment, destruction and disruption across the world. But these are the things we are coming across on a daily basis through all sort of news medium but there is also something which we all are going through without being covered by the media. That is " Emotional or mental chaos". 
 Under lockdown, the circumstances in the outer world has been devastated. The people being cooped up has a greater impact on their mental health. Not only this but also the rising of unemployment %  , not able to end the academic batch, non- implementation of the ideas that were prepared by the people for the following year and many more. Being Isolated from the world is not that much harassing rather than being away from our goals. 
A lot of people repudiate it just by equalizing it with overthinking, Not Only in India but also all over the world. As a result Many from us has started to suffer silently without being open to anyone about their anxieties, uncertainty , helplessness, fear , thoughts , pain , eagerness ,thoughts , misery and so on.

Lets Understand this now before it turns out to a public health crisis aftermath the pandemic.
Lets Share, open up and even listen to Everyone around you and with you during this testing times.

  "Sometimes an ear to listen is worth more than any thing.."



  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. So true what's there inside your head no one knows but it's always important that we should let everyone know about what we are feeling, emotion is something is soo deep and has to be handled with care, it's good to tell and express things rather than keeping it inside...


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