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What is your Definition of Success?


Success-A common term which we all know. But what is a good definition of success?

Well, This is the cut-out question for me in my first job interview. And unfortunately or fortunately I was not able to answer them a direct satisfied answer and got rejected. It's been more than two-year to this incident but Still, it is there with me with a Big Question mark?


So To me Talking about success or how to become successful is a waste of time. Before you all conclude anything from the sentence I would just like to add that success is a wonderful thing. We all deserve it, Perhaps we all have enjoyed it some or other day. But The deep down crucial lesson is that we don't acquire any knowledge, wisdom, or experience from it. It tends not to be the sort of experience we need to learn.

 If not from success then from what we get all   these served to us?

 We humans never realized that we get to learn the valuable   things of our life from our failure.

 Yes, Failure- The opposite of success.

When we think about failure, we think through a wave of negativity. We feel failure is painful and it causes emotional trauma, affects our actions and thoughts. But, for those that have known true failure,and have bounced back from it, understand that failure in life is necessary for success.

Failure is an essential part of our progress. In fact, In my opinion, failure is necessary. As much as it hurts, is more important than that.

It is almost impossible to go through life without experiencing some kind of failure in between. I have failed a lot more time and experiences a lot of failures. No, Neither I am boosting about any big failure that will make my world upside down nor Talking about any small failures. I am talking about the kind failures that would have shaken you, altering your surrounding, relationships, mental state, health, finances, and so on.

And if I'm not wrong, then you must have failed several times But we all have a different experience of failures because we all have different goals, values, benchmark, strengths, and beliefs. A failure of one may be a great boon to another person as a lesson.

Every time we fail at something, instead of getting demoralized we should look for the lesson we meant to learn from that. In fact, Failure is a life's great teacher. These are the life-altering lessons that teach us how to grow, how to keep us away from making the same mistakes again, and make us a better person.

If we try to live a life without facing any failure, then we are not living a real-life at all. I am not saying that practically I am enjoying failure but  exploring and trying and failing to it sometimes is a part of life, it makes us into who we are. Failure can also teach us things about ourselves that we would never have learned otherwise. For instance, failure can help you discover how strong a person you are. Failing at something can help you discover your truest friends, or help you find the unexpected motivation to succeed.

Often, valuable insights come only after a failure. Accepting and learning from those insights is key to succeeding in life.

If you’ve recently faced a failure in a major way, and you’re going through a difficult time right now, keep a few failure lessons in my which I have acknowledged from my experiences:

  • Experience: The most important lesson we gained from failure is an experience( otherwise I wouldn't be able to share this ). when we fail, and the experience we gain helps us to develop a deeper understanding of life and completely alters our frame of thought.
  • Knowledge: Nothing can replace the knowledge gain from the failure. It acts as a firsthand for future development.
  • Ultimate Growth: When We Fail, we get a better understanding and ability to reach the deeper meaning of What we have done or what we are going to do further. As a result, we ultimately grow as more positive and mature humans.
  • Morals and Ethics: These are the best gift we get in return from our Failures experience. moral and ethics are the stepping stones for our success. From past failures, it is important to think that what value you have offered and what is needed more now?
  • Flexibility:  The more we fail, the more resilient we become. Failures make us flexible to any kind of situation. In order to achieve success, we must know resilience. True success required an enormous amount of hard work and effort and that's what we achieve from the pillar of each failure.
  • Ignore downers: Failing at times comes with criticizing. There will be some people treating you harshly aftermath. Ignore those peoples who let down your inner strength.
  • Understand and realize that it's okay to fail: It is always Okay to fail but never to give up. Even if the failure is extremely painful, keep trying and even failing over and over if needed but it's not okay to give up. Success will taste this way much sweeter after you achieve.
  • Recreating Goals:  Isn't it better to use your failure as leverage and Resetting your destination in a smarter way with much more experience and knowledge. It makes it easier to overcome the limitations of your past and helps to make a great action plan for the goal. 

Doesn't it seem so easy? 

Although When we’re going through failure, it’s hard to recognize the importance of it But that's what we have to do. Once you understand what failure is and how it's going to mold us, you will experience the failure with a golden smile. 

It's always important to realize that in everything we do, there's always a chance that we'll fail. Facing that chance, and embracing it, is not only courageous – it also gives us a fuller, more rewarding life( In short "The Success").


  1. Aptly stated . Success is nothing but a mixture of failures with some deep consequential learnings.


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