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Smaller The Circle, Better Be Life.

 As you all know, it’s simple to leave behind or quit something good for us at the very point, but it is always hard to pursue the same for very long. Maybe one of the reasons that I could not continue to write for so long. It’s been a month with all the roller coaster rides but If the end is well who cares. Anyway, while being on the ride I realized one thing that bouncing yourself with all the expensive materials and Expeditions are not all that we call for but enjoying very simple moments with the right people is beyond everything.

I am a friendly person, People who have been with me even once know this well. Moreover, you can say a people pleaser who tries to gain happiness from having many people around or with making new friends. Back in my school and engineering days, all I wanted was to have as many friends as possible. Now that I am older., coming out of that cocoon I no longer favor a large social circle around. Gradually these days I have ended up on a small circle of friends that I would consider for “high and low.”

A few close friends are always better than thousands. When we have multiple friends to cope off with, we fell inundating. Some times people may assume that we are very glad around your surrounding with a lot of friends but the reality is something different. This doesn’t mean that relation has no value but when we go deep, we will feel the lack of depth there. 

Now when I have time to reflect on what I have gained, Let me brief my experience:

  1. Consider Picking up a small group of genuine people as your friends, when we feel or void in your life, even if just one person with whom we can be true. I can’t express enough how fulfilled I feel after getting along with them who genuinely makes me happy. 
  2. Always looking for friends to fill a void in your life can be damaging. Sometimes you’ll feel like you aren’t enough and that people don’t genuinely care about you. Toxic people can break you apart. As we grow up, it’s important to realize that it is less important to have lots of friends and more real friends. Thankfully, I am in luck that I no longer feel like I haven’t met the right people yet.

  3. A lot of benefits be prevailed with a small circle of friends as in:

a) Simple things we do together give us satisfaction and fulfillment. including

  • Listening to music

  • Playing video games

  • Talking about life and showing support

  • Showing each other memes

  • Telling stories from the past

b) Communication is much better. It’s easier to communicate and keep track of one another.

  • Everyone can know each other’s likes and dislikes.

  • It’s easier to read social cues because we’re all very familiar with one another.

  • We can tell when something is off within each other.

  • Our interests all line up and it’s easier to make plans.

    Small friend groups will boost your confidence, happiness, and overall sense of fulfillment once you realize the actual value they hold. They literally try to bring the best out of me.


While-Reading all these coming to the end, some might felt Overwhelmed and some underwhelmed.I have been on both sides of the coin, from having a large group of friends to encircling with a small number. There is a saying that we are an average of people we spend the most time with, So make sure whoever comes under that troop is worth of your time and truth. When you can sit in a place with nothing around, you still have the time of your life, you know that you’ve surrounded yourself with the right people. This is because of which I will do everything as best as I Can to keep them with me- Not with power, but by keeping communication open and maintaining trust throughout. Time is short but can feel so long-lived once you establish your small friend group.

If you want to feel satisfied and a little happier, all you really need is a connection, trust, and a little adventure.


  1. Best one ❤
    Good positive reflection on life 🙆


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