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Artificial Intelligence Vs. Human Intelligence

 Artificial intelligence Vs. Human Intelligence

What is Artificial Intelligence?

Artificial Intelligence is a gift of today’s science concerned with developing smart machines programmed similar to Human actions and Stimuli. For example, Speech learning & recognition, planning, problem-solving, etc. The Whole AI discussion refers that it let the computers perform tasks until recently is possibly done by humans.

Can Artificial Intelligence Takeover Humans Intelligence? 

Amid the revolution, The thoughts of developing and having a machine that can work and think like humans have evolved from movie fiction to real-world things. In 1950, Alan Turing, a British mathematician, raised the same query as above “whether a computer or machine similar to it can match the level of intelligence of a human?” Since then, a lot of advancements in Artificial Intelligence are encountered to this date. Humans have already introduced advanced AI in their day-to-day life activities in many aspects. For example :

  • Speech, text, face, and image recognition

  • Communication with Chatbots

  • Translation Tools

  • Intelligent Voice assistants like Siri, Google, Cortana, Alexa, etc

  • Semi-autonomus or autonomus Machines 

  • Semi-autonomous vehicles

And the credits for these developments go to the Science Technologist for continuously improving algorithms, data and improving computers’ efficiency, resulting in making a more and more powerful Artificial Intelligence(AI) in the coming days. 

This is only the beginning.”  

The Evolutionary Stage of Artificial Intelligence(AI)

The digital Scientist and the technologist have predicted that networked artificial intelligence might match or exceed over human autonomy, intelligence, and capabilities over tasks 

like visual acuity functions and speech recognition, Translation, complex decision making, pattern recognition, reasoning, or learning. Yet, it’s evolving from day-to-day to a more robust version of its self. Strong AI is differentiated by its capability of performing on its own and adapting flexibly to other problems. It can adapt skills and transfer them from one source to the other. In the coming days, digital scientists are developing its algorithm to interact with humans and other machines proactively on their own. These algorithms must be capable of learning and open to continual Changing conditions. A strong AI requires not only a strong algorithm but also a strong accumulated database ( full of experience and knowledge)  for solving the desired problems. If once researchers become successful in developing such machine learning language, The system with artificial intelligence may surpass the human abilities in the following different contexts: Memory, the ability to multi-task, resourceful about all pieces of information, and not be limited to specific tasks.

 Debating between the Human brain and Artificial Intelligence:

Coming to the debate of Human Intelligence and Artificial Intelligence, the human brain easily keeps the lead. The Artificial intelligence achievements may have come closer to the unique innovations of Neuromorphic engineering but yet far behind what human brains are capable of doing. The machine has inherited intelligence from our neuroscience technology to ease our works in the forms of Bots, Humanoids, robots, and others. A machine or device with Artificial intelligence may have a higher speed of execution, higher performance, accuracy, and capabilities than the human brain. Yet, it can’t be compared to the depth and layers of complexity of our brains.

AI is one of the results of the Human brain

Human Intelligence depends upon adaptability, Knowledge, and learning of its own unless it doesn’t depend upon pre-fed data and algorithms like Artificial intelligence-driven machines. Moreover, coming to the neuroscience research part, technologists observed that to create a mimic of human intelligence just for a sec, needed 82,000 processors for AI.

 Difference between the human brain and artificial intelligence:

Learning Skills & procedure: Human Intelligence is based upon the situation and conditions encountered throughout its life and the responses they get back. It may result in thousand millions of functions in overall life. But the learning skills of AI are confined to particular tasks.

The algorithms and Data are developed for specific tasks, creating a limitation for its applicability. Human learning is a form of continual learning, whereas a system with artificial intelligence lacks it. Human doesn’t have to forget the previous knowledge to adapt the skill unless like the machines.

Memory: The bots, Humanoids, or robots are using built-in instruction and Have limitations n their Storage Capabilities Accordingly. But A Human Brain uses its content memory and thinking and has its proper usage.

Existence: Artificial Intelligence is all about the mimic nature of human brains.  These machines are designed accordingly to the need of the tasks to be performed.  But Human intelligence/ brain adapts its cognitive skills from its surroundings and versatile in its existence. It always has not to depend upon the pre-fed data like tha Artificial intelligence systems. 

“Keeping an eye on the present data and Resources, looking upon science and technology advancement,  still developing a strong AI is questionable. The machines are challenged to the human interventions. But as it is still developing rapidly, prioritizing security and its risks, we, the humans, have to decide how well we can maintain these AI systems or machines to abide by human values and safety.”



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